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By the way, we hope that enough readers will find fascinating reading material, but will also dare to ask questions about the written material.

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The purpose of this website is to make known Jeshuaism, Jeshua or Yeshua faith or Messianic faith.

We would like to see that people understand that not all Messianic groups believe in the same Messiah, and that there is also a clear difference in faith in Jesus Christ.

We also wish to make clear that pollution has occurred in people's faith through the ages. Many false teachings have entered. As a result, many frictions have also arisen between the many faith groups or religious communities. So many "churches" have arisen and a lot of clouding has come among the people their knowledge of God and commandments.

Here we also want to point out that it is not specifically about church institutions or church communities, but about true faith that people should receive.

By explaining what the Bible says about gods, God, Godly, religious and spiritual experience and way of life, we want to show our visitors that it really matters and that it is really important in our life and the lives of others.

We also want to show how important it is to keep to certain values and to adopt a certain form of (carefree) life. Namely by submitting the "how and why of life" here, we hope that there will be more clarity about why things are going so far for the moment.

By realizing why things are going on today, a lot of tension and fear can be taken away and an insured hope can be given to a much better life than the current one.
By gaining biblical insight into this world of many difficulties and with many inconveniences, and to realize what is actually the source of all that evil, we can better arming ourselves figuratively for the future. Knowledge has come of good and evil, which can be used for good or bad.

Here we want you to see that the Bible or Holy Scriptures (the Pre Messianic or Old and Netzarim Writings or New Testament) as beacon and purifying water, is the best Book of books to give you a complete insight. It is not for nothing that this collection of books may be called the Bestseller of all times.

We hope that we can convince you that there are many misconceptions about the person Jesus and that it is necessary to know his right personality and mission of this man of flesh and blood.

In this way we hope that we can create a clear picture of who Jesus Christ really was and is, and why the right knowledge of that person and of his heavenly Father are so important.
Jeshuaism is not really about a company and even concerns a product that is very hard to sell in these days.

However, what we want to offer is something very important. We even hope that you will also see that importance and will be willing to share the Word of God and to share our message with many others in the world.

That proclaiming or revealing, witnessing the faith in Jeshua (Yeshua) and his God, must ultimately become an important fact in the life of the true (Bible-believing) believer.
Jeshuaism is sometimes called the fifth or sixth house in Christianity.

Jeshuaism must be regarded as a part of Christendom, alongside Christianity, Judaism (Jahadut) and Islam.
Jeshuaists, in the Netherlands also called Jeshuanen / Jeshuaansen or Jesjoeaansen, follow the former Nazarene Jewish master teacher Jeshua (also called Yeshua ben Yoseph, Yahushua or Jesus Christ or Jesus the Lord).

Jeshuaism may belong to the Messianic Jewish community. But as a Messianic Jewish Christian movement, it is also open to goyim or non-Jews and gentiles or people from all nations. However, it should not be confused with certain Messianic groups who worship a Trinity, while true believers and true Christian followers of Jeshua (or Yeshua) worship the God of Christ and His disciples, an Only True Creator God above all gods and above all, Who is not a three-headed god or Trinity but Who is the God of Hosts and God of gods Who is only one God.

Not all Messianics believe in the same Messiah or in the same Christ or anointed One.

Jeshuaists belong to Jeshuaism and Messianism where the faithful recognize and accept Jeshua or Jesus Christ as the Messiah and worship the same Only True God as Jeshua (Yeshua / Yahushua) and his disciples.

There are Messianic Jews who have a different Messiah or Meshiach than Jesus Christ or Jeshua, as well as Messianics who worship a three-godhead instead of a Only True God.
Christianity and Christendom have many types of Christians. These all profess their faith in a different way. Many people call themselves "Christian" but do not keep the same faith as Jesus Christ. He believed in only one God, Who is One, while the majority who call themselves "Christians" believe in a God the Father, god the son and a God the Holy Spirit. That belief in the Holy Trinity, a three-headed god or tri-une god, is seen by Jeshuaists as a false belief bound to false human doctrines.

Those who belong to Jeshuaism believe that Jesus is the one sent from God and the son of God, who was authorized by the Most High Elohim to speak and act in God's name. They are convinced that the Saviour Christ Jesus or Jeshua (Yeshua / Yahushua) is the Way to God. This while the majority of Christians believe that Jesus would be God.
Jeshuaists do believe that Jesus is Jeshua the Ben HaElohim or the son of God. Jeshuaists accept that Jesus is a son of man who was authorised by the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, the Only One True God, to speak and act in His Name.

In Jeshuaism the faithful believers accept Jesus as their saviour and look forward to his return.
Jeshuaists are faithful believers in the Nazarene rebbe Jeshua whom they take as the cornerstone of their association.

They do not as such use the word "church" but speak about their "ecclesia" which presents the gathering of faithful followers of the Jewish Nazarene rebbe Jeshua (Jesus Christ) who did not come to create a new religion, but to declare his heavenly Father.
The Jewish Jeshuaists therefore consider themselves as a continuation of the Jewish movement "The Way" and still speak about their temple or synagogue where they keep their services or hold ecclesia.
Jeshuaists take Jeshua or Jesus as their leader. They believe Jeshua opened the way so that we can call ourselves "children of God". Jeshua or Jesus being the son of God is considered a brother by  all of those who step into his name and call themselves Jeshuaist.

Being under Christ we unite as brethren and sisters in Christ.

In Jeshuaism there are Jeshuaists who are Jews who came to accept Jeshua (Jesus) as their saviour. In opposition to the goyim or non-Jewish Brethren and sisters in Christ they keep their Jewishness whilst not all Brothers and sisters in Christ are Jewish. The majority of Brothers in Christ or Christadelphians is even non-Jewish.

First of all is a brother in Christ some one who considers having kinship with Christ Jesus or Jeshua the Kristos as a child of God.

Secondly a Brother in Christ is some one who lives in the footsteps of Jeshua (Jesus Christ), doing what Jeshua the Christ (Christ Jesus) would do and what Jeshua (Jesus) would require his followers to do.
Christadelphians are a relatively small religious body, with congregations located in over 120 countries throughout the world, with large groups of Christadelphians in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, North America, India, Asia and Africa. In other countries and continents there are many growing communities of believers, and it is an exciting time to witness the call of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of men and women in the 21st Century.

Jeshuaists and Christadelphians have no hierarchical leadership. The christadelphians are a lay community, and each congregation is also called an "ecclesia" (the Greek New Testament word for church).

We have no paid clergy or hierarchy, but all members contribute of their time, resources, energy and enthusiasm voluntarily in service to God. A strong common belief and baptism binds our brotherhood together worldwide as a single fellowship of believers.
The Brothers in Christ we are talking about here, have nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Brothers in Christ or Brothers of Christ or Brothers of love.

The Christadelphians unite as brothers and sisters in Christ, with the knowledge that each individual is personally responsible for his or her own acts. As such there is no overruling constituion, though only bibblical rules or commandments are followed. All other matters and way of conduct is left up to the individual conscience.

Every Christadelphian and every Jeshuaist has confessed his belief before being baptised as a believing adult. From mthe baptism onwards he or she tries to live accordance the teachings of Jeshua (Jesus Christ).

Jeshua as a Jew came together with his close disciples to remember the exodus of Egypt. At the night, on Nisan 14, he had his Last Supper where he told about his function and death and inaugurated the New Covenant.

Yearly, Jeshuaists and several Christadelphians (or Brothers in Christ) celebrate that important day as the most important day of the year. Though not all Christadlphians remember Nisan 14, all remember regularly that what happened on that day.

Because Jeshua asked his followers to break the bread and drink the wine as a sing of the New Covenant and to do that in remembrance of him, all Jeshuaists and Christadelphians as brethren and sisters in Christ share those symbols (on a regular base) as a sign of Jeshua having given his body for our sins and as a sign for accepting him as our saviour.
Accepting the Bible as our only guide and believing it to be the wholly inspired word of God, Jeshuaists or Brethren in Christ (Christadelphians) respect the creation and consider all people equal.

As children of God we should love all His creation and creatures and as such should not go against people who have not the same beliefs or even would be our enemies.

Jeshuaists and Christadelphians (or Brothers and sisters in Christ) believe the corruption of civil and ecclesi­astical affairs has advanced beyond all human power of redress, and can be dealt properly with only by the judgments of God. Hence the fact that Christadelphians, though strictly law abiding, often do not feel called upon to engage in efforts for social or political amelioration, and refuse to bear arms.

Because fighting is not permitted by God's Law, when not instructed by Jehovah God Himself, the Jews of the Jeshuaist community prefer not to go to live in Israel, taking care that their children nor they would not be forced by the Israeli governement to fight against others.

Even though there may be a Zionist call to live in the Promised Land, the preservation of the agape love is more important and Jeshuaists know that it will not be long before the last Great battle of Armageddon will break out and then the Great Peace will come where everyone will be united under Christ and will be able to share the Kingdom of Christ and the Kingdom of God.