Attitude of goyim to Jehudi
Jeshuaist or Follower of Jeshua
or the attitude of non-Jews to Jews

The most commonly used word for a non-Jew is goy. The word "goy" means "nation," and refers to the fact that goyim are members of other nations, that is, nations other than the Children of Israel.

Jews were distinguished by their presence in certain professions, which served as unmistakable identifying marks (even though these professions were not unique to Jews). The identifying careers changed over the generations and varied from region to region. Thus, for example, the Jewish lessee of a tavern (arendar), a profession that did not exist at all in Germany, was a highly typical figure in the economic contacts between Jews of Eastern Europe in the eighteenth century and both the Polish nobility and the peasant serfs on their estates.

In many regions one could find Jews who were handy businessmen or managers of money. That struck out the eyes of many non-Jews and made them hateful to Jews.

The second factor, political-juridical protection, made possible the very existence of Jewish communities in the Ashkenazic Diaspora until the emancipation era. Personal security and the right of Jews to engage in economic activity were defined in legal agreements that they signed with kings, nobles, and clergy, permitting them to reside on certain property and promising them protection and the freedom to observe the customs of their religion. These two interconnected channels of contact determined to a large extent what could be called premodern Jewish politics.

The social class to which Jews actually belonged and in the present day also seem to belong again is the urban class. In those cities it is noticeable that certain Jewish groups will live in each other's neighborhood, where they mainly go to their own kosher shops.
For many outsiders, those concentrations of Jews give the idea that it is the Jews themselves who separate themselves from the others, also and especially as they do not really see a rapprochement of Jews to non-Jews.

The distant attitude of many Jews towards non-Jews makes them often seen as an exclusively people, where the non-Jews even come to think that many Jews are racist.

But throughout the ages Jews also have been victims by others who were racist. Jews have been discriminated against for centuries, including by white cultures from Nazi Germany to the United States. On the other, many Jews have attained a significant measure of acceptance, and many can often “pass” as white when not wearing traditional Jewish symbols.

Neo-Nazis in the United States, including Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke and alt-right leading light Richard Spencer, among others, go after the Jews. In 2017 at one of their rallies at the University of Virginia, the white nationalists brandished torches and chanted anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans, including “blood and soil” (an English rendering of the Nazi “blut und boden”) and “Jews will not replace us” — all crafted to cast Jews as foreign interlopers who need to be expunged. The attendees proudly displayed giant swastikas and wore shirts emblazoned with quotes from Adolf Hitler. One banner read, “Jews are Satan’s children.”

Blut und Boden or the international neo-Nazi violent group Blood & Honour is given a greater support. In Belgium we can find the groups Blood & Honour Midgard, Blood & Honour Flanders, Blood & Honour Nordland and Blood & Honour Westland plus Combat 18 (C18). Blood & Honour also has two departments in the Netherlands: Blood & Honour Netherlands and Racial Volunteer Force (RVF).

The groups mentioned above are the extreme groups, but they are a sign that the extreme rightists are increasing their hatred towards others in our regions.

We would like to know if you are a non-Jew what attitude you wish to accept towards Jews and how you look at Jews who accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah.