Shalom from the Jeshuaists, the one who follow the true Jeshua
Jeshuaist or Follower of Jeshua
Welcome on this platform where you may come in contact withother Jews who feel they should follow the Nazarene Jewish rebbe Jeshua (Yeshua ben Yoseph) from Nazareth.

We hope you find our website helpful and informative.

Messianic Judaism is a Judaism that speaks to our modern times, yet has its roots deep in our ancient faith. Longing for and anticipating Mashiach is built into our spiritual DNA as Jews, and in Messianic Judaism we rejoice in His appearance.
Sent by God to not only redeem us as a spiritual Exodus, Mashiach also brought a renewal and revitalisation to Judaism.

Messianic Judaism embodies this revived and renewed Judaism: a fresh awareness of the centrality of God and His work amongst us as Israel the people, and a powerful impetus to take this message of the living God to a lost and confused world.

We want to be here for all those Jews who question their position in this world and the position of the Mashiach in this worldsystem.
At this forum we want to give a patform to exchange ideas and to help each other for creating a growing society of believers in Jeshua the Messiah.